By sharing our creative gifts with the world we re-imagine what the world can be together

Posts tagged “build

Today before the clock strikes tomorrow

Today is the most meaningful day there is. Ask Billy Corgan about it.

This is because tomorrow doesn’t exist nor does yesterday except as a memory.

This doesn’t mean we should put all of our dreams and desires into one day. It doesn’t mean that the now is the only thing we should offer our attention toward. In fact I believe it means that we need to take today and start working on our creative endeavors of which we desperately want to put our efforts toward, the ideas that we yearn to leave for others tomorrow to experience.

Building. Building from the ground up. Using what you have before your own two eyes. Thinking simple. Coming together with others and building something you couldn’t have dreamed of without making that initial connecting first step.

That way you look back at all the worries, the pain, the suffering, and you can see the beautiful pattern etched into the life that was shared by millions unknowingly while others entertained themselves in the moment day after day. A legacy quietly was left behind for other’s to learn about without you knowing in those moments of pain and suffering.

Take the moment and moments that you are given today and explore them. Don’t limit their voyage. Don’t squash their life. Merge with their spirit and let those moments inspire you to do something amazing. Something that will inspire you to live on that path moment to moment.

This time when you look back on the pattern. Instead of seeing an etched pattern of your footsteps that you left behind. You’ll see a masterpiece of beauty glowing brightly because the footsteps weren’t just yours this time.

It was all of us.

God Bless
