By sharing our creative gifts with the world we re-imagine what the world can be together

Posts tagged “World

Just a normal day

Suddenly a voice shouted from the heavens.

The wind darted through the long stems growing from Earth’s body.

It was a normal day.

No different than any other that you might run across.

There was solitude hiding within it.

A feeling that runs up and down your soul.

When you’re one on one with the true essence of everything.

There’s nothing in life that can compare to it except the miracles you stumble upon while experiencing life on planet Earth.

Except you didn’t realize the gifts that were gifted for you until you remember those small impossible events that took place throughout your entire life.

Mirror Living

Our heart has so much to teach us

A new beginning. Something wonderful is growing!

Work in progress. At least I started…. :)


Alternative Energy Tour

It started with two with the intention to shift their view of the world away from looming negatives to focus on creating positive connections and meaningful relationships that recognize life’s interdependence and fuel constructive change.