By sharing our creative gifts with the world we re-imagine what the world can be together


Release & Breathe

I love this one. It really hones in on how quickly the world can jump on our back before we’re aware of it.

The worst part of it is that we chose for that to happen. We took on everything and than everything broke us down.

We are human and we need to remember to enjoy the human parts of life as we stroll along picking up projects from the creative garden of life.

#world #alexisnow #ceejaedevine #dream #responsibility #atlas #truth #heart #spirit #reality #work #week #busy #breathe #release #surrender #humanity #human #compassion #love #healing #inspiration

ASnowpasta Chronicles

Certain days like the today causes me to remember how important it is to take the time to release, breathe, and let go after a long and stressful day. After an extremely tough day at work as well as the weight of school, projects, family, on my shoulders, I came home and had what a call a complete and chaotic breakdown. I had a million thoughts zipping and zapping through my head, like the infinite cycling of the moon..As I looked out the window of my bedroom, huffing and puffing, tears streaming down my face, and feeling like lead, I felt a soft, warm, and comforting force uprising in my heart up to the rest of me to ‘breathe, center, and keep going’.

I was able to go into the next room where my dear room mate and sister was. She gave me a massive bear hug and chatted with…

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Ye Olde Europe Roof Dream

Europe and the ladder to dreams.

Check out the dream gallery. A place where you can add your own dreams to.

#dream #gallery #alexisnow #ladder #construction #europe #global #architecture #journey #adventure #experience #spirit #dimensions #reality #life #sleep

ASnowpasta Chronicles

I have two quick sequences from a dream I had last night. First one entails of a bunch of kids up on the roof of a factory building of what appeared to be old time European architecture. I was on the ground looking up at them. Later on in the dream I was up on a roof trying to get down with a ladder. I jumped with the ladder and was at the top of the ladder balancing, then slid down the ladder to the ground.



(All credit belongs to original owners of all featured media)

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Sailboats, Sailboats, and Sailboats
For all you dreamers. Join others who are sharing their experiences. Check out the dream gallery.

#Dream #alexisnow #boats #sailboat #ocean #sea #journey #adventure

ASnowpasta Chronicles

What is it with me and sailboats? The dream I had last night consisted of being towed in a sailboat. We were zipping along and I wanted to make a sort of U-Turn (this is from another dream’s flashback). It was going too fast to make the turn. Before I know it, the boat ends up under water. For some reason, the solution to getting the boat back up was simple, something about buoyancy and some other thing (that thing which I can’t remember at the moment).



(All credit belongs to original owners of featured media)

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Broken glass (like stardust) Broken Life

ASnowpasta Chronicles

I’m sharing ideas with friends, one of them calledbroken glass (like stardust) broken life.

Prior to sleep we were discussing a dear friend. Often before sleep I ask source, self, universe to give me answers in #dreamstate #dreamshare.
“I saw a broken measuring cup and old broken pathways. I weave it together, fix what path can’t be fixed, and start a new path. There are several rooms in this dream, it was like as if I am visiting patients or clients. Each aspect of my self has something broken. They were surprised when I was able fix these aspects. I mix strands of ‘brokenness’ into a single strand.

I found that if we use meditative healing, we can pull the yuck out of our past, and smooth out the frayed parts and put them back together like cauterizing with candle wax. The tiny threads made new filaments as…

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